Recently the ceiling light in my room broke, which isn't normally a reason I would want to write a whole post about it, but unfortunately because it's so dark in my room I haven't been able to journal on paper. I'm sure someone will peek over my shoulder to see what I'm writing anywhere else in the house so... I'm just going to have to settle for this instead. Even now I'm writing in almost complete darkness since my computer is also in my room. Almost. The light from the living room is giving me the tiny amount of light that makes my computer useable even in this darkness without burning my eyes, which I'm really grateful for. Never knew I'd want for a light as badly as I do right now. I know it's just a small thing and I could just leave my room and hang out in the living room instead, but it's not quite the same. Hopefully the light gets fixed soon.

Today I also got my first dose of the COVID vaccine. I was anxious the whole time before I got shot, but all I felt during the actual deed was a tiny prick before the nurse was telling me to proceed to the waiting area. It was surprisingly painless. I'm glad. My arm is a little sore now, but at least now I'm partially protected from the virus. I'm not looking forward to the side effects from the second dose, but that's for the me of August to worry about.