I'm not sure why I suddenly have the urge to start a blog, and I'm not really sure how long this little whimsy of mine will last. I already have a journal, so it's not like writing my thoughts down digitally like this is a 'need' for me. It's just that I got a new keyboard recently, and it's been really fun typing, so I think I kind of want to do it a little more.

It's been a while since I wrote something like a blog post. Years, really. Probably haven't done something like this since I was a baby in my teens. But maybe sitting down and taking time to write something like this will be a nice break from the fast-paced world of all the social networking sites, and I'll be able to take a little breather in my own little space. I think I want to slow down and properly think about my words and what I want to convey for this blog (even if nobody is reading). I can't really pick and choose my words like this when I'm journaling traditionally since I write directly in ink. If my journal is a place for me to spontaneously write what I'm thinking without being able to correct it, then I guess this place will be the opposite.

I think it's a nice contrast. A nice change of pace.