"You argue and you bicker and you fight,
atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus argue day and night
over what they think is true
but no one every entertains the thought
that maybe God does not believe in you"

I love the lyrics of this song. It really gives you a lot to think about. If everyone was just a little more kinder to each other, maybe life wouldn't be as difficult as it is now, with so much conflict and fighting breaking out everywhere. To begin with, why can't everyone just respect that people have different beliefs and different factors that drive them in life? ... Though, as I write that, I'm sure I'm guilty of that same thing myself. It's impossible to fully understand another person, so maybe it would be easier if we just stopped trying and just accepted it for what it is. Unfortunately it just never is that easy. I do want to take steps in a better direction so I can be a bit more of a better person, though. Even if I can never reach the 'ideal', I want to at least try. I'm tired of being so bitter all the time. I want to get better, even if it's one tiny step at a time.

On a separate note, I love all the points that he makes in his songs. They're incredible. (I don't want to mention his name on the off chance I end up appearing in search engines. I really don't want that to happen, even if the chance of that happening is stupidly small.) They really give you things to think about and consider that you wouldn't necessarily think of just by trying to survive day to day. I really enjoyed the new special as well. I wasn't even expecting him to ever come back with another special at all, so it really made me happy when I saw his announcement on Twitter. I'm glad I took time off my day to watch it.